About Hida
We keep a close eye on each and every one of our production processes, ensuring that you always get all the flavor and the best quality.

Since 1954, when Mateo Hidalgo founded Hida Alimentación, we’ve been working under the same philosophy of innovation, tradition and quality that we still believe in today.
Since our beginnings, we’ve sought to strike just the right balance between the know-how and personal touch required to make good homemade products and industrial production, with the aim of bringing the flavor of the best tomato sofritos made in Spain to the fore. At present, we’re proud to say that we’ve set a benchmark for flavor, bringing out the best in tomatoes and the joy of a job well done.
At Hida Alimentación, our premises feature the latest technology in terms of machinery and food safety, as well as a production capacity of more than 600,000 units per day.
In 2011, we embarked on a new stage with premises located in Mula (Murcia) with a floor area of over 30,000 m2, which boast state-of-the-art machinery and modern offices.

At Hida Alimentación, quality goes hand in hand with an ongoing priority of ours to meet the needs of our customers, which is why we make every effort to offer products made only with the very best produce from Spain.
It’s with this philosophy that our Quality Department—made up of a team of engineers and chemists—performs strict controls over all our production, traceability and innovation processes to introduce improvements at each stage of the manufacturing process for our products.

To meet the stringent demands of our customers, we work hard to ensure the ongoing improvement of our products.
Through research and development, the best professionals and the valuable experience we’ve gained over the years, at Hida, we’ve managed to successfully bring together the three characteristics that define us: innovation, tradition and quality.
At Hida, we keep a close eye on each and every one of our production processes, performing rigorous quality controls across all stages of production for our products. Our products are certified to the BRC, IFS and ISO 9001:2000 quality management systems, as well as the ISO 14001:2004 environmental management system.
Environmental Sustainability
We consider respect for the environment part and parcel of the concept of quality. Our premises are the first in obtaining the Environmental Permit—the only one of its kind in the Region of Murcia. Our packaging is made with 100% recyclable materials such as glass and tin.
As part of our environmental protection strategy, we remain firmly committed to pollution prevention, compliance with the applicable legal requirements and continuous improvement in environmental performance. This is why, aside from setting out this commitment in our environmental policy and abiding by it by setting goals and improvement actions, we perform an evaluation of our environmental performance.
The environmental report is available to any interested person or entity. To download it, click on the following link: Download report.
Passion in motion
At Hida, we’re in constant motion and we stay abreast of current affairs in the world around us. We make the most of every moment through the dozens of projects we’re involved in, the fairs we attend, the awards we receive and the events where we’re present or that we organize all over the world…
We’re a team of people who—like you—are driven by a passion for improvement and the pursuit of excellence.

We’ve got a fully automated monitoring and traceability system in place, which enables us to ensure the utmost in terms of the food safety of our products.
We only need the batch number found on each and every one of our products to find out the raw materials comprising an item, in which proportion, when it was made and where it is.
From the varieties of the ingredients we chose to the point of sale where we sent our end product, our automated traceability management system has all the information as products move through the different stages of receipt, processing or dispatch.
Our position in Spain as a leading company specializing in homemade sofritos has made it possible for us to gradually enter new markets. We are now found in more than 30 countries across five continents.
At Hida Alimentación, we maintain a clear commitment to grow and diversify our products. Our specialty sofritos are recognized by consumers and distributors alike. Within this context of growth and expansion, we continue carrying out marketing actions at the points of sale and communication actions in the audiovisual media with the greatest reach.