photo abuela ninno
LOGOTIPO HIDA RGB e1712139084583

Together since 1954

photo abuela ninno
Does your current lifestyle keep you from enjoying the real taste of homemade goodness?

Hida cooks for you

We're different

Our passion, dedication and the love we pour into preparing our products by hand, as well as using only quality ingredients, are what sets us apart and makes us a cut above the rest.

100% natural ingredients

At Hida, we only use the choicest, freshly harvested produce to ensure that our products are simply bursting with amazing natural flavors.

No preservatives or additives

By picking tomatoes when they’re perfectly ripe, we get just the right color and a beautiful balance between acidity and sugar, so they can be preserved naturally without any additives.

Cooked low and slow

Just like how you’d do it at home, using the best vegetables, extra virgin olive oil and cooking them low and slow to get that real taste of homemade goodness that sets us apart.

From farm to packaging in 24 hours

Only 24 hours pass from the time we harvest our vegetables until we package the product. This is because we work without intermediate processes or using semi-processed ingredients, thus keeping our products as fresh as possible, with all their natural properties intact.

The best quality at the best price

Our pursuit of satisfying the most demanding consumers—who want the best in all aspects—is the reason why we’re a benchmark in terms of both quality and price.

A brand you’ll gladly recommend

We know that whoever tries our products recommends them whenever they get a chance to. We give you our heartfelt thanks for returning all the love we pour into making them.
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Tomato Frito

Hida’s homemade tomato frito is made from the best tomato varieties from our garden. You can be sure that they’re always fresh and sautéed using extra virgin olive oil and seasoned with sugar and salt. Its smooth texture will delight even the most discriminating palate.

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home tomatoes


We keep a close eye on each and every one of our production processes, ensuring that you always get all the flavor and the best quality.